Jeremy Nagel - Success and Being Neurodivergent

07 Nov 2023 • 53 min • EN
53 min
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My name is Jeremy Nagel, and I'm a neurodivergent indie hacker who recently sold my startup, Smooth Messenger. During the journey of selling Smooth Messenger, I was diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive and hyperactive) + ASD Level 1. The diagnoses helped me to understand some of my personality traits and behaviours and has meant that I now spend a lot more time playing to my strengths and less time trying to "fix" parts of myself that are not actually broken, just different.   My new project is called Focus Bear, which is a habit stacking and productivity app for people with ADHD/ASD that helps you build healthy habits in the morning, crush it at work, and then shut off in the evening. I built the app to help myself with own challenges with productivity and work life balance. It's made a big difference in my life - I'm no longer working 12 hour days yet I'm still getting as much done.   The change in my approach to work has freed up time for life. I'm married and love to stay active. I've been into fitness and outdoor activities for a while now, but I struggled to prioritize exercise for a few years. However, over the last 12 months, I've been able to rebuild my exercise habits, and I now do at least an hour of exercise every day. I love running, cycling, cross-country skiing, and recently got into weight lifting, which has been a fun challenge for a skinny runner dude like myself. Contact  

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