My Soul Life with Susan Scollen
Join me each week for inspiring content from me and interviews from every day people and wellness experts about following our souls calling and embodying what lights us up so we can be even more amazing people and manifest our legacy for future generations right now. Susan struggled with Post Natal Depression after the birth of her son. She chose to heal naturally through following her intuition, improving her nutrition, moving her body and shifting her mindset. Susan is currently moving through Bronchiectasis and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterium, which again she's healing naturally. Susan believes that we can heal naturally and that we don't have to 'live' with conditions. When Susan started studying, she was so inspired by her fellow students and how they'd healed themselves, she wanted to share their magic with the world, so other people could go on their journeys. Now Susan talks to every day people and wellness experts, plus shares her journey, so dive in and see what inspires you. Susan is a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, a Certified International Health Coach, Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach, RAW Consultant and Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher. Susan coaches people to live in alignment with their soul, follow their dreams and live their legacy now. Be inspired and go on your unique journey. Much love, Susan xo
Show episodes
Years ago, I had a dream of sharing the things I was loving and why but I didn’t know how I would do it. Then my website was born and it felt like the right time! I’m now updating my website and it’s been super fun to dive back into my ‘I Love...’page, updating it and adding more amazing products and services myself an
Let’s face it, anytime something in our life changes, we change. Some change we love but other change we resist - even though it’s happening. When we embrace change, we get to become more us, we get to deepen our connection to ourselves, to our souls. So let’s talk about embracing change, so you can become more of the
Sheridan has experienced PTSD and Trauma on multiple levels, and what she’s learnt on her journey has become her superpower. After losing her hair at 7 years of age, leaving an abusive relationship, experiencing loss through suicide and complex PTSD, she dove into re-booting her nervous system and the magic in her mess
Let’s explore how we align our thoughts, feelings and actions, and why we need to. Everything we are and everything we create comes from our beliefs - thoughts we think over and over again. These thoughts create a feeling in our bodies and from there we take action or not. Regardless of what we decide to do or not do,
Too many of us, myself included, are caught in the exhaustion trap. Going to bed exhausted as a badge of honour and it’s time we change that. Sometimes exhaustion is in alignment but more times it’s not, so how about we go to bed satisfied, feeling successful and at peace? Are you ready to let go of exhaustion and beco
Alan’s life work is to help people like themselves. One of the ways we can do this is through intentional act of kindness, and in writing Alan’s new book, Practice intentional acts of kindness and like yourself more, he discovered that he had to go on a journey to uncover what he liked about himself. It took him 5 year