Marriage Kids and Money

Updated: 03 Jun 2024 • 464 episodes

The Marriage Kids and Money Podcast will strengthen your family tree and help you live financially free. We work to help you build the life of your dreams!  Each week, award-winning Family Finance Coach Andy Hill shares wealth-building tips that help parents and couples to design their ideal lifestyle. Learn how to get on track with your finances, have a happier marriage, work toward financial freedom, and even build generational wealth.  Knowing community makes for a happier future, Andy interviews millionaire parents, couples who have reached financial independence, or other money pros so listeners get a well-rounded perspective.  With over 400 episodes and counting, you are sure to find an episode to help you. Show topics include strategies on becoming debt free, how to invest simply, setting your kids up for success, and living more generously.  Don’t just take our word for it! Marriage Kids and Money has been hailed as a top podcast by Yahoo News, and US News and World Report.  Join the family wealth-building conversation by listening to our top-rated personal finance podcast today!

Show episodes

Want family financial independence? Here's our newly updated 10 Steps to Family Wealth and Happiness! These steps have been updated based on the interviews and learnings we’ve had over the 8 years of doing this podcast. Second, we’re back with our Debt-Free Family segment. This month, we’re featuring Brad Nelson from W

60 min
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Feeling overworked and overstressed? As a parent, I have experienced this way too much for my liking. According to our guest Celeste Headlee, it may be time for us all to do nothing! In today’s “Best of Marriage Kids And Money” episode from 2022, Celeste Headlee, internationally recognized journalist and radio host, pr

31 min
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Building wealth is easier with automation! Here are 5 millionaire milestones we've crushed as a family by automating our finances. Second, we’re back with our Coast FIRE Family segment. This month, we're featuring Kathyrn Hanna from Arizona who hit Coast FIRE with $380k invested by 40 years old. She shares the details

45 min
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The US National Debt now sits at around $35 Trillion. Higher debt means higher interest payments. Isn’t it important for our government to only spend what they have coming in just like the rest of us? To help us learn more about the state of our national debt and what continued deficit spending means for our future, I’

24 min
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Wondering if $2 Million is enough to retire? We dive into this question in detail! Second, we’re back with our Net Worth Win segment! We’re featuring Brennan Schlagbaum (aka BudgetDog) who is sharing how he and his wife grew their net worth to multimillionaire status in just 10 years. Last but not least, my daughter Zo

45 min
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The millionaire path can be simple, but due to many factors, it doesn’t always prove to be easy for many people.  So how can we find a roadmap with simple steps that will help us become millionaires in the future? To help us on our straightforward Millionaire Mission, we're interviewing Brian Preston, a financial leade

36 min
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