Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen

Updated: 06 Jun 2024 • 607 episodes

Join Andrea Owen, life coach and author, as she serves up self help in a easy-to-digest way that is also practical and implementable. Andrea brings you guests as well as solo episodes on topics such as perfectionism, the inner-critic, courage, and more.

Show episodes

I’ve often talked to you about doing the bare minimum or “bare mins” when life gets a little or a lot overwhelming.  As I move into my new place after separating, I’m in that place.  I’ve recorded a minisode for you today on how to navigate when life is upside down, you have too many big things happening, and you’re fe

11 min
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This week I have a coaching session episode for you! Sydney, a life coach, joins me as we explore her feelings of being stuck about what she wants in the bigger picture of her life and how she is motivated to build towards something meaningful but isn't quite sure what that looks like yet. One key theme we uncover is t

54 min
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Hunter Clarke-Fields, a mindful parenting expert, joins me to explore the nuanced journey of parenting, mindfulness, and self-care. Hunter hosts the Mindful Parenting Podcast and is a global speaker and bestselling author of "Raising Good Humans" and "Raising Good Humans Every Day." Together, we talk about her personal

40 min
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This week, we're diving into attachment styles and how they impact our lives professionally and personally. Kerra Bolten joins me for this conversation about shit that matters. For those new to this type of episode, it’s a conversation I have with friends or associates who aren’t necessarily experts on the topic but wi

58 min
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A friend and I recently were having a back and forth about love and relationships and our quest to learn and grow from them. I said to him, “All the men I’ve loved and cared about in my life have disappointed me and left me in some way or another. Family members included. Every one.”  My friend pushed back and said, “Y

12 min
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This week, we are exploring the fascinating realm of brain science and behavior patterns with our special guest, Kyra Bobinet, MD, MPH. Dr. Bobinet has dedicated a significant portion of her career to studying the intricacies of the human brain and how it influences our behavior.  At the heart of our discussion lies th

37 min
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