Fearless Fabulous You

Updated: 29 May 2024 • 453 episodes

Every woman deserves to live life on her terms. On Fearless Fabulous You! meet inspiring women social impact entrepreneurs and learn expert tips to live fearlessly and fabulously after 50, from what to drink, eat and explore. Melanie Young is a Certified Health Coach, a Certified Specialist of Wine and Author of “Getting Things Off My Chest: A Survivor’s Guide To Staying Fearless & Fabulous in the Face of Breast Cancer” and “Fearless Fabulous You! Lessons on Living Life on Your Terms.” Follow: Instagram@melaniefabulous www.melanieyoung.com Fearless Fabulous You is broadcast live Wednesdays at 12 Noon ET. Fearless Fabulous You Radio Show is broadcast on W4WN Radio - Women 4 Women Network (www.w4wn.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com). Fearless Fabulous You Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.

Show episodes

"After being single and successful on my own, I refuse to be a Plus One in a couple and in a society where men still receive preferential and deferential treatment over women. Stand up for being the One and Only You," says FFY Host Melanie Young. She addresses the frustration of being treated as an "invisible woman" an

30 min
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It is important to give someone a hand to lift them on their way up in life/career through mentoring, referrals and encouragement. It is also important to offer your support when someone is struggling to keep up or who appear to be spiraling downward in their life and career. Whether it is job loss, divorce, health cha

32 min
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"If I could have a frank discussion with my younger self, this my advice to her," says Fearless Fabulous You's Melanie Young. "Prudent planning and setting priorities are key to navigating life and having no regrets." She shares pragmatic steps to prepare for your future life while enjoying your present one and says: "

42 min
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It's a fact that many older Americans are not financially prepared for retirement. That's why staying in the workforce longer, securing a new job or finding gig work may be necessary. But how do you deal with job rejection because you are considered over-qualified or "advanced" (age matters whether left unsaid). FFY Ho

45 min
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Patience may be a virtue, but it's becoming scarce in the era of instant gratification and "I need it now" mentality. Feeling impatient and dealing with impatient people adds to stress. Fearless Fabulous You's Melanie Young admits her own challenges keeping her patience and addresses how to calm down and slow down. She

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How many times has someone asked to "pick your brain" or meet to gather information. Offering free advice is helpful and generous. But sometimes people cross the line and take advantage of your time and expertise. FFY's Melanie Young says giving your free time can be beneficial but know when to draw the line. If someon

48 min
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